com*pe*ti*tion (kmp-tshn) : the act of competing; rivalry
I'm what some [okay - everyone] would call competitive. Well, maybe more like "M & P Harward Competitive" - or possibly . . . okay you get it.
My DNA comes from one amazing athlete of a father & a mother who can "cheer" up a storm intertwined with a little fancy rollerskating action. [Sweet mix.]
I remember [constantly] - asking my brother go head to head with me in "show down" form. Push-ups, sprints, sit-ups, chin-holds & even "horse". Everything was a competition. Who can shower faster [ewww gross - wonder how many body parts I missed during that shower], who could ride to school faster, who could deliver the penny saver faster [loved those $8 checks], who could eat more waffles/bran muffins/pancakes [w/o the threat of barfing]. . . . .[Did Mom ever get to eat?] . . .
....once you add in Stake Olympics [Glendale, AZ style] - - I didn't stand a chance at NOT being competitive. Have 24th ward win?!? As if, I'd let that happen. Staying up until the wee hours making the "perfect cheesecake". Practicing ping-pong in the garage [yes, it's a sport & yes, I was the reigning champ of singles & doubles {where is Ben James now anyway?!} ]. Volleyball & 7th ward - that was our speciality!! I can still hear Brother Harward & my Dad yelling from the sidelines [in the cultural hall, even], for their respective children. We were machines, I tell you - m a c h i n e s. Okay, all joking aside - - - this was the norm. Contests / competitions / challenges - - this was life as I knew it and I loved it!
Anyway . . . here's my question [to all 3 people who read this]. I'm now much older - I still do this! [No, not the shower thing.]
But - why do I have this "competitive fight" in me?
Is it bad? [I personally, don't think it's 100% bad - as I know it can be very motivating] But lately, I am finding it has it's down side. I usually crave competitive opportunities. Iron-Chef Orange Jell-O anyone? I wish I was kidding.
So what if there was a friend you wish was a closer/best[er] friend but you find yourself actually huffing her name [if you click on the link - don't miss out on the "comments" - uggg - I really wrote those?!] most days because she's just as competitive as you? It's tiring. Nope not because I couldn't smoke her at 99% of most things [there I go again]. That's a joke! [or is it?!] ;) Because I want [oddly] so badly to have a "normal" friendship. One of encouragement - encouraging of each other - at all times. Even when we are head to head --- I silently dream of hearing, "come on Em", "you can do it", "hang in there"! And like-wise I want to say those things . . . have I become "soft"?
I don't think so. Am I finally "growing up"? Probably not. Maybe I just don't want to mess up a good [potentially amazing-lifetime] friendship - thing.
Thanks for the competitive nature Dad [truly] - I can't wait to actually focus it 100% on ME - - BEING A BETTER ME. Not me trying to out-do others. Maybe this is where the real fun & happiness lies.
You think you're competitive.....How about me?
i'm super competitive, too. i'm even competitive when i'm shopping. it kills me to be at a mall and see people walking around with large bags from the gap or something. it makes me wonder what they got BEFORE i got there. THAT's weird.
i have [very intentionally] backed off of my competitive side the last several years. i have to constantly remind myself that we're all in this together. we all want the same things in life: to be loved and to be happy. it makes a big difference to step back and realize what's really important and that so much stuff doesn't really matter. what really matters is people and relationships.
it's really hard to overcome completely, but it's a nice space to come from. makes life much more enjoyable.
good luck!
p.s. don't you wish every stake had a stake olympics? that really was THE best. we were so lucky to grow up with that.
!. I don't like the fact that this boys is holding a ripped of head.
2. I don't like that you have WORD VERIFICATION on your posts.
3. Your YELLOW is SOOO BRIGHT my OLD EYES cant see it.
4. on the up side...I love your background
5. NO, I did not freeze you a piece...I'm done with that...we all know that doesn't work and it ruins the cake...it was strictly because I love you...but you can only use that SO MANY TIMES :)
6. You, competitive...!!! It's like saying I see things black and white...Really!!
7. to be serious for 2 seconds...hard for me at the moment but I WILL attempt...I think that over years you have become an amazing woman...competitiveness and all. I would not change. We all love you BECAUSE of WHO you are not what we HOPE you will BECOME. Mike was talking to me last night in bed. He said something that reminded me why I married him. He said, "you do thing and think that they are ordinary, and we see them as amazing." Sometimes, I THINK, now I could be wrong, but sometimes that DRIVE, gets us through to the next challenge and makes us better, stronger, more resilient for what may come next. I know...it's made me a better wife, mother,friend and hopefully sister.
8. Sorry about the plumber guy...don't know where he went. I'm hoping you are in the middle of getting that all taken care of. I have you call my dad, but when he is finished you'd just need to call a plumber anyway (see blog post about the free sink)
9. To just hit on Dr. Rada for 2 seconds. I must say...knock on wood...when he retires... I will DIE. and that's all I have to say about that.
10. So look, I know I owe you like 183 (as owen would say...that is his answer for EVERYTHING) more comments but truthfully, I don't have anymore whitty comments, BUT, I promise, when my sarcasm comes back..I too will be right here typing away. I love you Em. Grateful to have you as my friend, my personal shopper but most of all and most importantly...to have you as my sister and my eternal family. How blessed you have made my life and me. I LOVE YOU!
I am the worst friend ever. From now on, I am going to be the best friend you ever had. Even better than those other people who say they are your friend. I'm calling off the Orange Jello Thrown Down Ward Potluck Style. I am going to be competitive with you, not against. We're going to hold hands crossing the finish line because we heart each other. I'll stick with my sisters in the competition area and see who can have the most babies.
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