Thursday, March 21, 2013

"Suit & Tie" - JT [socks & shorts] ProCompression giveaway & Motionwear discount

So lately.

My fun has been found here [Instagram]. I freaking love it.

Like LOVE it X 444.

It's my happy place. I pretty sure no one misses my "blogging" [minus my Mom]. I find Instagram to be a mini blog through a photo. It works for me.

However, these two promos brought me back for a quick blog post.

* ProCompression giveaway


* Motionwear discount.

I have long been a believer in compression post workout. I am now beginning to enjoy it during as well. I typically stuck with my CEP compression socks.......mostly because they were the first brand I was exposed to. After seeing a promo code on Hungry Runner Girl's blog a while back......I took the PCP. Pro Compression Plunge.


I a fan.

And I may wear them a lot.

Like a freaking lot.

So ProCompression has offered to giveaway one pair to one of you. Sa-weet.
Here's how you enter:

LEAVE A COMMENT FOR EACH [4 possible entries]

1. Tell me your big goal for 2013
2. Follow @Procompression on twitter
3. Follow me on Instagram
4. Tweet ..... "Yes, I freaking want to win some @procompression from @runemz and I think they should make these in CAMO." ;)

And just because they rock........ is the promo code for 40% off : BLG13

I also received a pair of Motionwear shorts to try out.

I did one of my recovery runs in them. Zero complaints. Felt great. No rude rubbing or weird seams. #hugewin

[Please ignore the grandma socks.]

They are offering 15% off a $75 order when you use promo code: RUNEMZ

You can find them at
Twitter @motionwear
Instagram @motionwear

Winner will be announced Monday the 25th.


Jford said...

1 entry for me!
My big goal is my 1st Ironman in 2013

Melissa Cunningham said...

Emz,i miss your blogging too!!!!
my big goal for 2013:
compete on the pro stage ,only 10 months after the 4th baby
PR in a half and/or 5k

juanitagf said...

1 entry for me, too!
My big goal was Phoenix Marathon...ick...
My new big goal is a 50 miler in October...if I can get my hubs on board!

juanitagf said...

Following @procompression!

ltlindian said...

big goal for me is 70.3 in August.

ltlindian said...

I follow them already on twitter. And I'm not on instagram so I totally miss your blogging... :(:( Guess I'll have to go sign up. wah. One more thing to try to keep track of.

ltlindian said...


Josephine said...

big goal is to PR at the half and 10k distances!

Josephine said...

following @procompression on twitter

Three Girls with a Mom said...

I posted on twitter. 45christi45

Three Girls with a Mom said...

My goal is to make running a habit I do on my own. Right now, I run with my sister but would to want to run more by myself.

Unknown said...

I Follow @procrompression on twitter

Unknown said...

My big goal for 2013 is to run my first marathon in November!

J. L. said...

I entry for me. My big goal is Ironman Whistler 2013. First. Ironman. Ever.

Lisa J said...

My big goal is to break 1:40 in the half marathon by end of year

Lisa J said...

already follow you on instagram whoop whoop

Running In Boise said...

My big running goal for 2013 is a 50K (my first) next month!

Belinda said...

My big 2013 goal is to PR my 5K! 1 entry for me :)

Coy Martinez said...

Big Goal.... Ironman Wisconsin yo!

Anne said...

I've already accomplished my first goal this year (run a mile without stopping) and have since jumped right into my second goal, which is complete a half marathon.

Living In The Woods said...

My big goal is to qualify for Boston!!

Kiley said...

I LOVE Pro Compression socks! My biggest goal for 2013 is to run my first marathon (SLC - next month!)

Anonymous said...

1. Tell me your big goal for 2013
I'm hoping to qualify for boston. If not I'll be completing 3 different marathons this year and I've never done more than 1 full a year.

Anonymous said...

Follow @Procompression on twitter

Anonymous said...

Follow me on Instagram - @olivetorun

Anonymous said...

Tweeted ..... "Yes, I freaking want to win some @procompression from @runemz and I think they should make these in CAMO." ;)

Denise said...

Now following @ProCompressin on Twitter

Denise said...

I follow you on Instagram

Denise said...

My main goal for 2013 is a metric century bike ride in May. I'm focusing more on personal goals (paying off debt and marrying my honey) than physical feats this year.

SbMac said...

My goal for 2013 is get back into half marathon shape!!!

SbMac said...

I am following @ProCompression

SbMac said...

I follow you on instagram

SbMac said...

I tweeted and yes I would wear camo!!

Ginger said...

My big goal for 2013 is finishing my first half marathon in May!

Ginger said...

I followed @ProCompression on Twitter (@gingerMU)!

Ginger said...

I tweeted!

Laurie said...

My big(gest) goal is a significant PR and consequently BQ at Eugene in a month.. then I can stop worrying about speed and get back to working on distance... :)

Laurie said...

I'm now following @procompression on twitter... however my twittering sucks, so I doubt it will do them much good.

Laurie said...

Of course I follow you on Instagram. You're the reason I'm on Instagram.

Unknown said...

i follow you everywhere

Breenah said...

My big goal is to be able to make it through my 5K in May without walking at all. Then in September be able to fully run the 5K instead of jog it.

Breenah said...

I follow on twitter (@bybreenah).

Breenah said...

I tweeted :D (@bybreenah)

Noodle said...

My big goal is to break 3:30 in the marathon

Noodle said...

I'm following procompression on twitter

CautiouslyAudacious said...

My big goal is to pop out a healthy baby in Aug. then get back into shape as soon as possible so I can keep up with the lil' one!!

Katie Plewe said...

Miss your blogging! Still check in every day!

CautiouslyAudacious said...

I tweeted it!

P.S. I do miss your blog posts! :-)

Abbey said...

Well my FIRST big goal is my first half in May. Then we'll see!

Abbey said...

I followed on twitter :)

Karine said...

I am sure I am not the only one who misses your blog.....Fortunately, I have learned to negotiate Instagram so that helps!!

Abbey said...


Shellyrm ~ just a country runner said...

The A goal this year is to survive and finish within the cut off of the Massanutten Mountain Trail 100. (103 miles!!)

Shellyrm ~ just a country runner said...

I tweeted!

Shellyrm ~ just a country runner said...

I follow procompression on twitter

Shellyrm ~ just a country runner said...

I follow you on Instagram too. It's the best mini blogging ever!

Mona said...

My big goal for 2013 is to run a sub 4 hour marathon!

tweetyscute said...

My 2013 goal is to run my first 1/2

tweetyscute said...

Rene' said...

My big goal is to run a half marathon in the 1:40's.

Rene' said...

following procompression on twitter

Rene' said...

I already follow you on Instagram:)

Jeniversal said...

My 2013 goals are to reach my goal weight by September and run a half marathon by December.

Jeniversal said...

Following you on Instagram!

fleuryous said... I tweeted about it!

fleuryous said...

And I already follow you on Instagram :).

fleuryous said...

Aaaaaand I follow Pro Compression on Twitter.

fleuryous said...

Aaaaaaaaand my new year's resolution is to run a 4:00 marathon!

ShutUpandRun said...

Hmmm...they big goal for 2013. So you didn't say it had to be running related, so here goes: I want to be present with my kids and to enjoy every minute with them. I want to not only see, but appreciate all the blessings around me. I want to be the best person that I can be given all of my limitations and flaws...there you go...

ShutUpandRun said...

Followed pro compression on Twitter too.

ShutUpandRun said...

Following you on Instagram too. Because I love you...not in a stalkerish way.

BellyHaynes said...

My big goal is to get my buns running again consistently! I miss it and need it. Working to make more time.

samsam26 said...

Ever since my first pair of Pro Compression socks I have been an @procompression follower (and that was many many many runs ago, plus I have bought numerous more pair of their awesome socks that rock!)!

samsam26 said...

My goal for 2013 is to run 13 13.1's

samsam26 said...

I tweeted your awesome contest! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I want to PR in the half marathon!

Anonymous said...

I follow pro compression on twitter

Anonymous said...

I followed you on instagram said...

My goal is to PR in my marathon and to possibly run an Ultra! said...

I totally follow you on IG and I really really miss your blogging! said...

I follow PROcompression and love them too! said...

I am tweeting now!

Unknown said...

My big goal is to run a sub 2 half. I just started running last year so I wasnt sure I could do it but I ran a 2:01:51 last weekend so now Im totally going after it!

Unknown said...

I follow procompression on twitter!

Unknown said...

Tweeted about the giveaway!

Unknown said...

I followed you on instagram!

Beth Walker said...

My big goal for 2013 is to substantially improve my half marathon time.

Unknown said...

My goal for 2013 is to qualify for Boston in the Toronto GoodLife Marathon in May!

Unknown said...

I tweeted your giveaway! @gootruns

Unknown said...

I follow @ProCompression on Twitter!

Unknown said...

I follow you on Instagram too! :) @goot10

Corrina said...

My 2013 goal is to make it through semesters 3&4 of nursing school b/c then it's downhill to August 2014 and graduation! Running is taking a backseat, which makes me really sad but it's only a short time.

Corrina said...

I follow you on IG, already of course!!

Corrina said...

I tweeted!! @beana619

Corrina said...

Following Pro Compression on Twitter

Rachelle Wardle said...

Oh I really really really really want to win this. My goal for 2013 is to do the little things to stay healthy as a runner. Stretching, strength training, foam rolling, ect.

Rachelle Wardle said...

I follow you on insta....duh! Love ya!

Rachelle Wardle said...

I don't do the twitter twat thing but I did start following procompression on insta so I think that should merit an extra entry. :-)

Run with Jess said...

My big goal is Eugene Marathon... although at this pt in the game, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna fall short of my "goal"...

Run with Jess said...

Of course, I follow PC... everywhere! Love them!

Run with Jess said...

I follow you on Instagram. Word.

Run with Jess said...

I tweeted! :)

Aimswa said...

Tweeted! :)

Aimswa said...


Aimswa said...

Already Stalk ... er... follow you on Instagram!

Aimswa said...

My 2013 as you have heard ... get my water petrified non-swimming butt through a half ironman and TRY to finish the same day @mandiruns does ... Then drink wine. Lots of wine.

DE Runner Girl said...

I miss your blogging!!!!

Big goal. BQ in May or bust.

Love pro compression had them on while watching my boys soccer games today.

Troup said...

Two goals for 2013, BQ and full Ironman. PERIOD!

Ellen Holley said...

entry #1
My big goal for 2013 is to lose 50 pounds. 20 down so far :D

Ellen Holley said...

entry #2
I already follow procompression on twitter

Ellen Holley said...

entry #3
I tweeted. and I'd love these in camo :D

RunningLaur said...

Big 2013 goal: a marathon freaking PR. Seriously. Want. This. To. Happen.

RunningLaur said...

And follow

RunningLaur said...

And follow. :)

RunningLaur said...

(I'm taking "come to greater-Phoenix and do this race" suggestions :) if you'd like to submit your suggestion )

Mr. Z said...

1. r2r2r. Are you coming with?
2. Done
3. Done
4. ...and done