Tuesday, October 22, 2013

"Javelina" - The Sheepdogs [ Javelina Jundred ]

Only four days to go.

Four days until my first [TRAIL] 100 mile run. Yes, I have done two other 100+ mile runs but ------ they were both on a treadmill. So this will be new, exciting, nerve wracking & [hopefully] awesome.

The Javelina Jundred.

This race takes place at the McDowell Mountain Regional Park outside Fountain Hills, AZ.

It is a race I've wanted to do for the past three years. It typically falls on my/our anniversary. And I really can't blame the Pita for NOT wanting to spend our day watching his crazy wife run in loops for 24 hours.

HOWEVER...........this year it is 3 days after our anniversary and he surprised me with the best anniversary present ever.

My. Race. Entry.

The Javelina Jundred is comprised of six and a half loops on the rolling single track and jeep track of the 15.4 mile Pemberton Trail. The race begins in the clockwise direction and alternates each loop (washing machine style).

And we all really know WHY I signed up don't we?

Ya, I might be slightly obsessed with belt buckles. And this one......

the. freaking. best.

I will crawl, if I must, to get this buckle.

I plan to fuel mostly the same way I did in San Francisco. Mad amounts of Vega hydrator, Vega Energizer, bagels & #ALLTHEFREAKINGPICKLEJUICE I can get my hands on.

It is going to be a HOT one.

HIGH: 89* / Low 60* ---- not ideal but not horrible.

The hydration is going to be critical.

Good thing - I was just sent 500. Yes. FIVE + ZERO + ZERO shaker cups from GNC. Because if you express a GREAT dislike of shaker bottles ........ they'll send you 500. I kid. I kid.

It goes without saying but I AM A HUGE fan of GNC. Always have been. I'm pretty sure the Athletarian & I hit up no less than 5 GNC's in the 5 days she was in Arizona.

I'm truly grateful they have donated these freaking make my eyes hurt shaker bottles.

I'll be selling them and donating ALL the funds [less actual shipping fees] to Effect International. The same charity I ran to raise funding for last month in San Francisco. Stay tuned for more info......

And one of the best parts of this weekend.......

This Guy:

Mr. Combs. He will be pacing me for the last 40-ish miles of this run. My partner in VEGA crime. He was one of the people who inspired me to go "plant based". Haven't looked back since. He is an amazing runner & I am truly blessed to have him pace me.

What an adventure this will be.

If you'd like to donate to Effect International click the link [here].



One Crazy Penguin said...

You're going to kick ass, girly!

Melissa Cunningham said...

how exciting!

Char said...

That belt buckle is so you. Totally worth running 100 miles for!

Runners Fuel said...

Congrats! You'll do great!! The buckle is awesome!!

coach dion said...

Go and have fun out there you will do fine.

coach dion said...

Go and have fun out there you will do fine.

Anonymous said...

your link doesn't work.

DRog said...


review post please and photos if uve got them....and I know you do!

congrats on amazing performance

AM! said...

WOW! I'm tired, just reading what you'll be attempting.

rock on w/your bad self!

Vape blow said...

Awesome post, thanks for sharing.

Blow Stand

Unknown said...

Who wouldn't want to run for a sweet belt buckle! I just ran a half-marathon for a skull belt buckle. I thought to myself...you should find MORE belt buckle races! It may very well turn into an addiction :)
But 100Miles! Super Inspirational!!! I'm now thinking that I need to increase some goals!!
Rock on & thank you!!!

Nelly said...

I think you won possibly the coolest trophy that I've ever seen during this race, but I would like to hear more about the race!

Also, I was bummed that NZ couldn't take out Mexico and advance to the world cup, it was fun watching the game in Wellington though. Really cool when NZ scored twice in like 5 minutes, crowd was going wild. That country is gorgeous.

Unknown said...

The Belt buckle and 100 Miles, this looks great. What was the result? I am curious to know, did your training gifted you with success.

Wendy Joel said...

Do you need your ex husband or lover urgently? ?

My name is Nora woodland from the United States of America and am here to share a testimony i would please want you to read careful. I was married for seventeen years until misfortune came in. My husband and i were living happily with our children and enjoyed the company of each other. Our eldest daughter eloped with her boyfriend and this cost my husband his job because he could no longer concentrate on his job and this almost tore our home apart. My husband lost his job and we were living on the little income i was making from my cabbage. This really tormented our home cos my husband loves her more than our other kids. I tried all i could do to make my husband happy even when i wasn't happy. This happened for sometime and he had cardiac arrest. We spent virtually all the money we had and still the condition did not improve. I was left with no choice than to sell the stuffs in our house, I was able to realise some money which was spent on his medical bills. I did this for a while until we had no money on us again. We came home and was hoping he could get better. He continued like that for some months and we decided to seek for solution else where. I went online where i met many self acclaimed doctors and spell casters but none could help. I then came across this particular caster whose testimonies i have read. His name is Dr.Brave he promised to help and he did in a way i find very surprising to explain. He told me that he would cast some spells to make my daughter come back and to get my husband his job back. It was like an impossible task. But with the help and intervention of this prophet of GOD, my daughter came back home and saw her dad was sick and she cried and asked for forgiveness. My husband after a week became whole again and another spell was cast to get him his job back. Like a dream it happened. My daughter is back home and my loving husband is well again and now has his job back. So good people of the world i want you to help me in saying a big thank you to Dr.Brave for his intervention. This is one Dr i will seriously recommend for anyone with issues of such nature or any other problem. Simply contact him on his email via bravespellcaster@gmail.com

harada57 said...
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