Monday, May 21, 2012

"Hashtag" - Mitch Major

Beware. I'm in one of those moods. (No, no, no, put the tissues away. Not a philosophical one. I know. Phew!)

One of these moods....

I am mid-room-clean. Sitting on an unmade bed. #thisNEVERhappens.

I have four, yes, four donation piles. #ihaveajean[andshoe]buyingproblem. ;)

I have a three books [I bought] that I've never even opened. #iamnotareader

I had the fastest 17.5 mile run I've ever had in my life today. #toobadidonthavearaceplanned #butiwasfreakinghappyaboutit

Why can't I part with certain things? I'm positive I'll never wear a certain belt in my closet. #butiworeitthedaythePitaaskedmetomarryhim. #cherishedhoarding

A pair of jeans sit nicely folded in my closet.  #theyneedanewbutton #mymomownsallmybuttonsandallmysowingtalent

A tried-and-with a turned up face-re-wrapped chocolate sucker sits on table. It's gross. #wickedgross. You would've too. Trust me.  #butitsitstherebecausePeanutgaveittome

Oh yeah. And a shimmer bronze powder for face & body is under my sink. I don't like it. But it wasn't cheap. #andisweariwillfindsomeonewhowouldloveit.

How late is too late to give a wedding gift? #justgaveonetoafriendwhogotmarriedoneyearago #noidontexpectathankyoucard

How old is too old for pictures posted around your computer? Mine are going on 24 months. #thinkingitistimeforanupdate

I found all red gummy bears in my closet drawer a few minutes ago. #yesihidethingsfrommyself #itisformyowngood

I also found cash. #dollardollarbillsyall #yesialreadyspentit

My mother-in-laws birthday is tomorrow. #ihaventsenthergiftbecauseihaventboughtit #shelivesinLondonsothisisbad

I went shopping today. #yesformyrealpersonjob

I have a shopping pet peeve.  #iactuallyhavealotbecauseishopalot  why do they ask you, "will this be all for you?" when you check out? #ohsorrynowthatyouaskedithinkillgobackandbuymorecrap

Have been a little on edge today.  #burningdeseiretotelloffafewpeople #whycantpeopleplaynice

But then I saw this:

Thank you Mother Theresa.

Got a hashtag for me?


Happy.  Monday.


ltlindian said...







Emz said...


Kathy said...


jymmebe said...


jymmebe said...


TriMOEngr said...




Jason said...




PavementRunner said...


racing dawn said...






Molly said...


MCM Mama said...




Tara said...


Love the sign and the quotes, thanks for that. :)

H Love said...

