Tuesday, August 27, 2013

"It's Time" - Imagine Dragon

Well, it's not exactly time just yet.......but it's getting close.

16 days kind of "close".

The last 30 days have been incredible.

The training has been intense.
The excitement is killing me.
[super grateful, it's not the other way around]

This is what the training has looked like the last 31 days:

I did my longest run 31 days ago:

[instagram @runemz ]

Nothing like 8 hours on a treadmill to start your day off right.  The first 6 hours I ran and text a few friends.  My friends are amazing.  Truly.  I received no less than 100 texts while I ran [and two hilarious videos].  Grateful.

Then I watched the first hour of the Today Show. 
The final hour I tried to pick up the pace a little so I would manage to get a final reading that included a "something" .44

YES, it is all about the 4's.

My body has felt great throughout this process.  I have never run this many miles in consecutive weeks before.

I know this special delivery from GNC sure helped.  HOLY.  SCORE!!

I love, love, love VEGA.  I swear by this stuff before, during and after my runs.  And the Quest Bars.......ummmmm, yes, please.

The last 24 hour treadmill run I did my highest mileage week was 89 miles.  Most weeks came in around 75-80.

A few things are different this time around:

* More miles
* Vegetarian
* Training on my very own Woodway
* Better fueling
* More foam rolling
* I know what I'm in for

And.  I.  Freaking.  Cannot.  Wait. 

If you would like to donate: [here]

If you would like to buy a shirt: [here]

Thank you so freaking much for all of your support.


Char said...

Eight hours running to start the day! If I did that it'd be the finish of my day too. But I guess if you're running for 24hrs an eight hour run is necessary.

It's great that you've got such wonderful friends to keep you occupied and laughing on those runs.

Adriana said...

Wow, you're a rockstar! What's your favorite Quest bar flavor?

Runners Fuel said...

That is awesome!! I can't believe it's only 16 days away!

Anonymous said...

You are unbelievable, woman! It's incredibly that you can be on a treadmill for so long. I applaud your amazing abilities!!!

coach dion said...

OK I'm no longer scared of my race, which should only take 4 hours... As I finish I will think of you with 20 more to go... I've done lots of 2 hour runs and a couple of 3 hour runs. I hope to be strong to the end, I hope you are too...

MCM Mama said...

Cheering you on from DC. Must mark date on calendar for intensive texting.


Wendy Joel said...

Do you need your ex husband or lover urgently? ?

My name is Nora woodland from the United States of America and am here to share a testimony i would please want you to read careful. I was married for seventeen years until misfortune came in. My husband and i were living happily with our children and enjoyed the company of each other. Our eldest daughter eloped with her boyfriend and this cost my husband his job because he could no longer concentrate on his job and this almost tore our home apart. My husband lost his job and we were living on the little income i was making from my cabbage. This really tormented our home cos my husband loves her more than our other kids. I tried all i could do to make my husband happy even when i wasn't happy. This happened for sometime and he had cardiac arrest. We spent virtually all the money we had and still the condition did not improve. I was left with no choice than to sell the stuffs in our house, I was able to realise some money which was spent on his medical bills. I did this for a while until we had no money on us again. We came home and was hoping he could get better. He continued like that for some months and we decided to seek for solution else where. I went online where i met many self acclaimed doctors and spell casters but none could help. I then came across this particular caster whose testimonies i have read. His name is Dr.Brave he promised to help and he did in a way i find very surprising to explain. He told me that he would cast some spells to make my daughter come back and to get my husband his job back. It was like an impossible task. But with the help and intervention of this prophet of GOD, my daughter came back home and saw her dad was sick and she cried and asked for forgiveness. My husband after a week became whole again and another spell was cast to get him his job back. Like a dream it happened. My daughter is back home and my loving husband is well again and now has his job back. So good people of the world i want you to help me in saying a big thank you to Dr.Brave for his intervention. This is one Dr i will seriously recommend for anyone with issues of such nature or any other problem. Simply contact him on his email via bravespellcaster@gmail.com

harada57 said...
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