Thanks to . . . .
I've got one of these:
to give to a faithful follower.
You must check out the video {here}
Yep it's just like the one Peanut got [but in Blue Raspberry]. yum.
Wanna win it?
Here's how:
[PLEASE leave me a comment for EACH that you do!!!]
* Follow me on my new blog [click here] . +1
* Donate [from the new runemz blog, please] ANY AMOUNT!! +5
* Ask me a question about my upcoming 24 hour treadmill run. +1
* Tweet about this 5 pound gummy bear give-a-way! +1
* Friend me on Facebook! +1
* Post about this on your blog! +2
[BUT . . . . you'll get a +5 if your post is ONLY about the gummy bear/24 hour run - not just a link or mention on your blog]
Features & specs:
•Dimensions: 9.5" x 5.5" x 3.5"
•Equivalent to 1400 regular-size gummy bears
•Weighs approximately 5 pounds
•12,600 calories!
•Hand-made in the USA with domestic ingredients
•One year shelf life
You. bet. cha.
I'll be eating [on] one of these on May 6th. Mine is bubble gum flavor.
Watch out!
Pickle flavor coming soon. ;)
Winner chosen Friday, April 8th!
Mmmm. Pickled flavored gummy bears! My hubby would love that. :)
I follow your new blog. FANTASTIC cause, of course.
My question is this: bathroom breaks? How many are you planning?
I follow your new blog. :)
Are you going to run in one pair of shoes or do you have multiples so it doesn't feel like you're running in concrete slippers by the end?
Linked to my sidebar @
Made you a dedicated post - not sure/don't care if it gives me brownie points/extra entries, but who wouldn't want a reason to post a picture of a 5lb gummy bear?
I now follow your new blog.
Here's my question - what are you going to do to keep things interesting while you run?
I was wondering if one of these would fit into a Spibelt to take on those really long runs.
ok,follower of new blog
will post about this on my blog....
i HAVE to win this gummi!!!!
HAVE to!
cant have it until May 7th,but heck,it'dbe worth the wait!!!!!!
You bet I'm entering this!
I follow you on the new blog :)
I have to ask the girly question....what are you going to wear!?! :)
Tweeted too :)
I'm your fb friend too :)
I follow you!
I friended you on FB :)
So I don't want to win the gummy bear because they're not usually veggie friendly. I know I know I'm an obnoxious vegetarian... But I did want to say hi and I am cheering you on from england baby! Facebook friended, following the new blog. Also I have soo many questions about this... I'm with Zoe on the peeing issue... and eating? And sleeping? Are you taking any breaks? Is walking allowed or is it all running? Eeeek! Good luck gf!! It makes me want to barf just thinking about it!
I tweeted about this too!!
I'm following your new blog. Awesome!
I sent a friend request on FB
I donated $10. Cleaning out my Paypal account for you!
Tweeted about the giveaway @shebajc
Linking this to my sidebar, and I'll post about it before the end of the day
I'm following your new blog.
Added you on facebook!
Tweeted the giveaway!
I follow your new blog.
Does my previous donation count?
I friended you on FB.
You are AMAZING... you truly do make me laugh and INSPIRE me daily!!
Keep it up!
What are you going to wear for your treadmill run?? I know... such a "girl" question, but I LOVE your running attire :)
I donated!! Awesome cause EMZ!
I friended you on face book YEA!
I am following your new blog... Very Cool
But please still leave a comment telling me you DID donate!!
Thank you!!
You. Guys. Rock!
Yes, I follow your new blog!
I am just amazed by your skill and you drive! My question is how many miles will you run are you expecting to run in 24hrs?
I definitely do NOT want to win that. Please do not put my name in the hopper. How many pounds of sugar is that? I'm watching my girlish figure.
I'm a follower of your new blog!
I already donated to your cause...does it still count?? :
What are you going to run in? I know you usually run in a sports bra, but since it will be video taped will you wear a shirt?
k.just posted a link in my blog post!
go EMZ go!
Blogged about your giveaway here:
Ok - that is MY bear. I'm following you, I've already made a donation - does that count? - a question for you - will you be listening to music all the way through or will you be chatting to your fans? And HEY YOU'RE ON FACEBOOK I LOVE IT - so the friend request is in...
Cannot WAIT to see you. XXX
Oh man... I do NOT want that gummy bear, because gummy bears are one of the few things I have no will power with and I am very afraid I will eat all 12,000+ calories. But I am following on your new blog and cheering you on! :)
Wow..ok I friended you on FB but I cannot win this so I let the chance to others who can take that much Sweet!!!!
if the win I win the pool!!!!
I followed you on your new blog!
How many people are joining you on your 24 hour run?
I tweeted about the giveaway! @kimsullivan1219
I friended you on Facebook!
I posted this on my blog... and the post was ONLY about the gummy bear/24 hour run!
Man, I have a lot of comments to leave - I totally want one of these to strap to my Nathan Vest and take with me on the trails!!
1 - follow the other blog
5 - 'the check is in the mail'
no, really. it is.
1 - what can I bring you to the treadmill run? I know you'll have everything you want there already, but if there's something I can bring, please please let me know!
(aside from my hobblin' self)
1 - it's tweeted, since the gummy bear is just so freakin' cool
1 - and, I'm your friend on facebook, since we're like kinda real life friends anyway :)
Followed the new blog!
Question for you - what will your nutrition plan be for the 24 hours? I know how hard it is to fuel during an Ironman... you literally have to eat meals when you are as slow as me and finishing in 13.5 hours so I can't imagine fueling for 24 hours.
I follow your new blog!!
APRIL 8th is MINE AND MY WEE FELLA MILO's BIRTHDAY!!! I WANT THIS BEAR!!! besides its gluten free and made for me!
I friended you on facebook and would have regardless of the bear incentive. I will keep the its about time snicker and snort to myself ;)
will you be eating on the run?
I tweeeeeeeted!
I am following your new blog!
A 24 hour treadmill run? Wow! Ok, so how will you eat? Will you prepack stuff or have someone bring food/water to you? Im curious :)
I friended you on FB :) :)
I posted this to my blog! Check me out - thanks! :)
I friended you on FB!
And I'm following your new blog!
What color will your new sports bra be for the 24 hour run? :)
I dont' know if I want a 5lb gummy bear in this house but....
I was your VERY FIRST follower on your new blog and that's gotta count for sumthin'!!
3 blogs to follow now? You're worse than I am!
Only two kovas!!!
holy crap. i actually don't want to win because i would eat it in one sitting and then puke for 2 hours and it would all go to waste. that thing is amazing!!! xo.
I could do arm curls with that sucker! Following your new blog : )
donated : )
do you get pee breaks during that epic run?
off to friend you on the facebook!
tweet tweet! under @MollySBaker
I'm following you on your new blog.
Are you going to change into fresh shoes and/or clothes during the run?
Watched the video
Following new blog
Will tweet it after I am done commenting about this.
how are you going to go to the bathroom while running consistently for 24hrs?
I am a follower of your new blog!
I donated! And I LOVE my shirt!
How in the world did I forget to ask my question?!?
Most of the ones I want to know have already been asked. What will you wear? Will you change shoes? Bathroom breaks? Rest breaks? My question is, do you plan to RUN the whole thing, or will you take walk breaks? Oh, and are you doing any "stay on your feet for 24 hours" prep?
Enquiring minds want to know!
Now following the new blog!
Following the new blog. (DUH!)
Friended you :)
I want to know about rest breaks too - are you planning them? On a schedule (ala aid stations in an ultra)?
What's on your menu (besides gummi bears of course)? Pickle juice?
I follow you on your new blog :)
Friend requested you on FB
i follow!
24 hour treadmill fuel? what do you have lined up?
i friended you on FB
Are you planning any sleep breaks in your 24 hour run?
What will you be eating to fuel during the run (besides the gummy bear :)
I love that a 5lb gummy bear is gluten free...
Follow your new blog.
My 24 hour TM run Question:
How many outfits will you wear?
I am going to go find you on FB and friend you up which is funny because I don't use FB for anything other than tri club stuff and dailymile stuff...
how did i miss the new blog, ok well I am not following via RSS!
ohh my treadmill question is will you take electrolyte pills or anything? what will the temp be? can you have them turn a fan on to preten you are running in to the wind, then maybe shower you with a squirt bottle to fake rain?
New follower of this blog and new one.
New friend on fb
What are you drinking to stay hydrated during the 24 hrs.
I'm so proud of you and hope you raise loads of dough for a cause you know I'm passionate about.
That said, I cannot in good conscience enter this giveaway...unless you think the bear is tough enough to take a punch.
I'm a follower of your new blog.
I friended you on Facebook.
What are the rules of the 24 hour run? Does that mean you can't sleep at all?
I'm about to blog. Consider it blogged.
I follow your new blog!!!!
How many miles are you hoping to log on your 24 hour run?
I'm your friend on Facebook!!!!
I did a whole post just about your gummy bear and 24 hour run!!!! Check it out!!! 5 Entries!!!!! That's how I roll :)
I did post the link to the giveaway in my sidebar as well :) Not sure if that qualifies still for the extra 2 entries. I have two little girls that really want that gummy bear :)
How will you keep your sanity running in place for 24 hours!? What will keep you distracted?
I follow your new blog!!
I just friended you on Facebook!
I'm following your new blog. Always room for more EMZ in my day!
Dude. EMZ is giving away a 5 pound gummy bear. #runnerds
Tweeted. :)
What socks are you gonna wear on your run? Seems like your feet might get pretty sweaty. Blisters much?
Friended you on FB. Yay!
New Follower here!
How are you going to entertain yourself on the treadmill run? TV? Music? Visits from friends?
I friend requested you on fb ... now it's up to you. :)
Question about your 24 hour treadmill are you going to keep the treadmill cool? Are you going to switch machines periodically or what?
I friended you!!!!!!
I follow your blog and want to eat that thing until it makes me sick!!!!
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