Wednesday, August 24, 2011

"Cars and Jewelry" - Oddisee [Sporty Girl Jewelry Giveaway]

Ummmmm.'m realizing I'm not 24 any more. 
Returning home from Vegas takes a solid two days to "get right".

I know, it's amazing what a difference 3 years makes. ;]
I returned home to find a box from "Sporty Girl Jewelry".


I opened it to find there was not just one but TWO boxes inside.

One for me.

One. for. My. Peanut.

Holy. freaking. day. made.

Mine was even better than I could have imagined.

One side:

"you've. freaking. got. this"

Other side:

"100 miles / 24 hours"  "queen of the mill"

Didn't waste a moment to put it on.
[sorry about poor photo quality]


[ummmm, yes.  Of course, she is wearing it at school right now!]
It said "queen of the court" with a volleyball.

Wish I would have had a camera when she opened it. 

All.  smiles.

Sooooooooooooooooooooo - on to the giveaway!!

Sport Girl Jewelry has agreed to give away one custom necklace
Yep, one that has been personalized . . .  JUST. for. YOU!

Here's how you can enter:



1. Become a follower of my blog (or tell me if you already are)

2. Become a follower of Sporty Girl Jewelry on Facebook.

For additional entries:

1. Tell me what you'd like your very own custom necklace to have on it.

2. Visit Sporty Girl Jewelry's blog and become a follower.

3. Tweet about this giveaway.
" @runemz is giving away an @sportygirljewel custom necklace - check it out! "

4.  Facebook about this giveaway.

*Winner will be announced Monday, August 29th!*

Happy. Hump. Day!


~K~ said...

i'm a follower of your blog!

~K~ said...

i like sporty girl jewelry on fb

~K~ said...

i'm a follower of Sporty's blog

~K~ said...

What would my very own necklace say?? Hmmmm....Golly, i can't think up anything very original. Definitely something with running...Possibly Runner Girl, Little Runner or Runner Mama. (My maiden name is Runner so they all sound good to me!)

Running In Boise said...

I am a blog follower.

bobbi said...

That is the coolest freaking neclace ever!

I follow!!

Running In Boise said...

Just liked Sporty Girl Jewelry on FB.

bobbi said...

I like sporty girl on fb!

bobbi said...

I follow sporty girl's blog!

Running In Boise said...

As for what I would like my necklace to say- I am not sure. I do like yours- the I've Freakin' Got This. That's awesome.

A Prelude To... said...

I'm a follower on FB.

A Prelude To... said...

I follow the Sporty Girl Jewelry blog.

Vanessa @ Gourmet Runner said...

Amazing! I couldn't think of a more perfect necklace for you! I'm a follower of course.

Vanessa @ Gourmet Runner said...

I follow Sporty Girl on Facebook.

Vanessa @ Gourmet Runner said...

And now I follow Sporty Girl's Blog too!

Michelle said...

What an awesome necklace!

I'm a follower!

Michelle said...

I like Sporty Girl on FB

Michelle said...

Just tweeted (@RunAttitude)

Rachelle Wardle said...

Awesome giveaway love the neclace!! I follow you of course.

Rachelle Wardle said...

I liked sporty girl on fb.

Rachelle Wardle said...

Now following sporty girls blog.

Rachelle Wardle said...

I would like mine to say "Running For Trevor"!!!

Unknown said...

I follow you and adore you (does that give me 2 entries?) ;)

Unknown said...

I follow Sporty Girl Jewelry on Facebook!

Unknown said...

I would want mine to say Run Happy and 26.2

Unknown said...

I tweeted!

Unknown said...

Or I would want one for Ang that said My Solemate - 26.2 :)

Christina said...

I like them on fb!

Christina said...

I follow Sport Girl Jewelry's blog!

Megan said...

I follow Sporty Girl on FB!

Megan said...

I think mine would say "Beautiful, powerful, strong" !

Megan said...

I follow Sporty Girl's blog!

Lisa J said...

follower of your blog- just started last week, great timing :)

Cheryl said...


Cheryl said...

Liked Sport Girl on FB!

Lisa J said...

liked sporty jewelry on facebook.

Cheryl said...

OMG, they have so many cook things to choose from! I am training for my first my custom would have something to do with 13.1!

Lisa J said...

as far as my own design-
on one side it would definitely say "it's not sweat, its liquid awesome"
on the other side it would be a toss up b/n blog name "Because I can" or something about '50 1/2s in 50 states'...

Lisa J said...

added sporty girl to blogs i follow

Lisa J said...

facebooked your giveaway (and added it to my giveaway section on my blog)

LB said...

whoop, whoop! i already do all of these....but i will leave a separate comment for each :)

i FAITHFULLY follow you!

LB said...

and i follow sporty girl on facebook

Jill said...

Follow ya :).

Jill said...

Like them on FB!

LB said...

i would get one that says "Tri for a Reason" and "jog for joubert syndrome" on the back

LB said...

i follow their blog

LB said...

and tweeted

LB said...

and facebooked from "my reason to tri" page. for some reason it wouldnt link your FB page to the post

J. L. said...

I'm a follower. of. your. blog. But I don't do the punctuation as well as you do.

J. L. said...

I liked sporty girl on FB and if they had a LOVE button I'd do it.

J. L. said...

I'm a follower of sporty's blog

J. L. said...

I like Beautiful. Powerful. Strong. 1.618 or something about 140.6 for inspiration.

Danielle C. said...

I'm a follower via Google Reader!!

Danielle C. said...

I like Sporty Girl on FB!

Danielle C. said...

TWEETED! @danielleruns

Danielle C. said...

Am I blind? I totally love the circular style like yours but I don't see it on their site :(

Finallyfit2011 said...

I'm a follower :) :)

Finallyfit2011 said...

I'm a fan of Sporty Girl on fb :)

Finallyfit2011 said...

Something like...
"Finallyfit2011" (front)
"This run is for you Preston" (back)

Finallyfit2011 said...

I'm a follower of Sporty Girl Blog :)

Finallyfit2011 said...

Tweeted this giveaway!

Finallyfit2011 said...

Posted giveaway on my fb :) :)

Unknown said...

I'm a fan of Sporty Girl on FB

Unknown said...

I would get - " I am stronger than you"

Caroline said...

do I follow..what kind of a question is that

oui! oui!

Unknown said...

I am a follower of Sporty Girl Blog

Unknown said...

I'm following your blog :)

Caroline said...

I follow her SG on facebook

Caroline said...

I tweeted

Caroline said...

what it would say....hmmm maybe something like

13.1 done that. 26.2 coming up.

other side
If Oprah can do it so can you...!! ha ha just kidding....

hmmm no more like
One more mile

Detroit Runner(Jeff) said...

I follow you! (Hey they have necklaces for guys too)

Detroit Runner(Jeff) said...

I followed them on Facebook!

Detroit Runner(Jeff) said...

I would want Detroit Runner on it and also Keep Running!!!!

Detroit Runner(Jeff) said...

I tweeted about it - you can see at @detroitrunner1

kimert said...

I follow SGJ on FB.

kimert said...

I would get one with the saying, "Go the distance."

kimert said...

I follow the Sporty GIrl Jewelry blog too.

Megan said...

I'm a follower :) love the blog!!!

Megan said...

I'm now following on FB!!!!

Megan said...

Hmmm I may have to think some more, but definitely something inspirational, something empowering.

Julie said...

Follow you!

Julie said...

Like SGJ on FB!

Megan said...

I tweeted!!

JessicaFG said...

I'm a follower of your blog!

Julie said...

I think I would have it say
Swim Bike Run
Because you can

JessicaFG said...

I like sporty girl jewelry on FB!

JessicaFG said...

My necklace would say "stronger with every mile." I've been known to yell that out loud while running - always when I'm alone of course! LOL

JessicaFG said...

Tweeted (@jfriesgaither)

JessicaFG said...

Follow Sporty Girl's blog!

JessicaFG said...

Facebooking about it now!

Andi Fitz said...

I love sporty girl jewelry! I always enter their giveaways. One of these times I'm going to win! I just became a follower of your blog!

Andi Fitz said...

I'm a follower of sporty girl jewelry on FB!

MCM Mama said...

I'm a follower of your blog!

Andi Fitz said...

I'd have to think about what I want my custom necklace to say for a long time, but one thing that comes to mind is "Run like a mother. 26.2 miles of peace and quiet." Or "Run. Learn. Repeat." (That's the name of my running blog.)

MCM Mama said...

I like sporty girl jewelry on FB

Andi Fitz said...

I just tweeted about your giveaway!

Rachel said...

I am a follower!

Rachel said...

I liked Sporty Girl on Facebook!

Rachel said...

I would want mine to say "Fearless" :)

Rachel said...

I posted about it on facebook!

BabyWeightMyFatAss said...

I follow you!

BabyWeightMyFatAss said...

I like Sporty Girl Jewelry on FB!

BabyWeightMyFatAss said...

I think my necklaced would say, "don't tell me I can't" OR "Don't Stop Believing"

BabyWeightMyFatAss said...

I follow sporty girl jewelry's blog

BabyWeightMyFatAss said...

I'm tweeting it!

Jim ... 50after40 said...

You don't have to send me jewelry ... just had to raise an eye brow at "3 years"...

RunningLaur said...

wow, so perfect!
(duh, I'm a follower)

RunningLaur said...

and a follower

RunningLaur said...

and I'd have mine say "Use those magic legs" - which my cox yelled to me in my very first erg race back in the day. Has stuck with me ever since.

Amanda said...

I am a follower of your blog

Amanda said...

I liked sporty girl jewelry on facebook

Amanda said...

I would have, "Running for Him" enscribed on it.

Amanda said...

Facebooked it.

Kristin said...

I follow your blog.

Kristin said...

I followed Sporty Girl's blog.

Kristin said...

I liked Sporty Girl on Facebook.

Kristin said...

My own necklace might say, "I can fly, or I can run."

Jenn said...

I follow you :)

Melissa Cunningham said...

im a follower!

Melissa Cunningham said...

follower of sporty girl jewelry....

Melissa Cunningham said...

dont have FB or tweet,but if i did i would!

Melissa Cunningham said...

would have to think about what to put on custom necklace-but what comes to mind initially-
japanese symbols for "strength" and "endurance"...i have this branded on my right shoulder blade,story of my life!
on the flip side would be "dont talk about,BE about it" (or possibly a SUAR or YFGT thrown on there somewhere?)

Anonymous said...

I follow you. Already follow Sporty Girl on FB and a friend of Mandi with an I :) Necklace is awesome. Thinking what mine would say - probably "Don't Tell Me No" because I keep doing what people say I can't or I shouldn't. :)

Char said...

I just love that! It's so YOU. And it looks pretty good too.

Matty O said...

Oh, hi. Are you a blogger still? It's been like uhhh a week since I saw a post from you ;)

Hope you had fun in Vegas. Lata.

Richelle said...

I'm a follower.

Richelle said...

I like Sporty Girl Jewelry on FB.

Richelle said...

I also follow the blog.

Richelle said...

I'd get a necklace that said "tough and focused."

adena said...

I follow you, well stalk actually..

adena said...

I liked the Sporty Girl Jewelry on Facebook.

adena said...

I would put "Mita haluat on sinuusa" on mine.. that or "yo mama"

adena said...

I tweeted!! Which is entirely different thatn something Beth would do, (hehe)

adena said...

I facebooked about the giveaway.

KovasP said...

Follower - mine would say "Run of the Mill."

Suzy said...

I'm a follower.

Suzy said...

I like Sporty Girl on FB.

Suzy said...

I tweeted (@runningonmytime)

Suzy said...

I'd want the motto I live by on mine: Love the life you live

Zaneta @ Runner's Luck said...

I like sporty girl jewlery on facebook :)

Zaneta @ Runner's Luck said...

I don't know exactly what I'd like it to say but i would incorporate.... Runner's Luck, 13.1 & 26.2 and Isaiah 40:31
LOVE your necklace by the way!

Zaneta @ Runner's Luck said...

I am a follower of sporty girl jewlery's blog :)

Zaneta @ Runner's Luck said...

tweeted :)

Zaneta @ Runner's Luck said...

I also posted about your giveaway on my blog! :)

misszippy said...

Love her stuff...have one and wear it all the time. But would like another! I follow

misszippy said...

I like her on FB

misszippy said...

Already follow her blog

misszippy said...

On my necklace: That which does not kill me..

misszippy said...

Gonna go tweet

Sarah said...

I'm a follower!

Sarah said...

now following sporty girl jewelry's blog!

Sarah said...

I think I would want my necklace to state: I am a runner.

BigHappyFamily said...

I follow sporty girl blog!

BigHappyFamily said...

I follow sporty girl on fb, too.

BigHappyFamily said...

Tweeted it from @bighappyfamily

BigHappyFamily said...

My necklace will say


Ann Marie said...

Just became a follower of this great blog!

Ann Marie said...

just became a follower on Facebook!

Anonymous said...

I am a follower!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I follow Sporty girl on FB!

Anonymous said...

I love love love sporty girl and always wanted one of my own!!!! I would def get something to do with running for sure!!!

Anonymous said...

I am going over to follow sporty girl blog right now!

Carrie said...

I follow you!

Carrie said...

I follow Sporty Girl Jewelry's blog!

Carrie said...

My necklace would say -
On one side - Love the life you live.
On the other - Live the life you love.

Carrie said...

I follow Sporty Girl Jewelry on Facebook!

Carrie said...

I tweeted about this giveaway!

Carrie said...

I posted this giveaway on Facebook!

Madison M. said...

I am a follower!

Madison M. said...

I am now a new follower of Sporty Girl Jewelry

Madison M. said...

I would get something runnin related of course but I would also put "Believe" on there somewhere!