Last night we were lucky enough to enjoy dinner with Nana & Papa. We enjoyed a hearty "stick to your ribs" meal at "TexAZ" in Phoenix. YUM! It was a great night. Peanut enjoyed her frosty mug of root beer and a grilled cheese. The rest of us enjoyed - - - well, more than I'm willing to write. It was wonderful. I woke up still feeling "full". What a meal. However, these were the feelings I felt
most last night . . .
Full of:
- gratitude
- thanks
- peace {of mind} - this is a HIGHLY rare occurrence
- love
- t h a n k s
- understanding
- grace
- t h a n k s
- respect
- satisfaction
- t h a n k s
- acceptance
- comfort

Grateful for the Hubby,family, parents, friends & life I have been blessed with. Without a doubt, "I am FULL".
I am thankful for all of the above, plus your not divulging how much we ate last night. Thanks again. PS: Dad says we have been married 47 years. (I never was very good at math)!
your parents look so cute. :) did your whole family go- or just you guys?
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