Grandma Great is 2nd from the left {back row} in the "rose" colored dress.
And MY smokin' hot Mom is 2nd from the right {back row}. ;)

She was the Grandma Grandchildren dreamed of having. How many grandma's would let you take their couch cushions outside to land back flips off a mini-trampoline?! Let you "play" the organ at all hours?! Make scones for you at 6am or 6pm?! {What are real "scones"? Look here “home” , Thanks Brooke}. Let you play sardines at all hours with your cousins? . . . MY GRANDMA.
When she passed away, we ALL {I will need your help here Mom - not sure of the current Allen Brood numbers but I know it must be up there with the Duggar's/Osmond's} got a little treasure from her home.
However, I know I somehow scored the best treasure.

The saying on it, "Grandma's Helping Hands" - always makes me smile, cry or laugh until I cry as I am quite sure VERY few of us were EVER helpful. It is one of my two most treasured items. So why I cannot bring myself to wear it?
Well, I finally did, last night. Nope, not to cook. Peanut was having a hard time sleeping. After threats of "lights off/and closed doors" - from the PITA who had had enough {don't let me fool you I'm sure I may have done the same 20 or 5 minutes later}. I emerged into her room in this gown of an apron. She knew I had never worn it.
Five minutes later . . . All dreams led to Grandma Great.
love it. oddly enough, my nolan was in tears more than once yesterday because he missed grandpa ray- who died when he was 7 months old. maybe something was going on in the heavens yesterday?
Tender and sweet. I never did "smoke", but I think I can live with "smokin' Mom". Those were the days. Love how B is holding Sharz. Keep up the bloggin!
Mom - - - the comment was "smokin' HOT" ;)
Look at the clothes! It's what's selling at Nordstrom right now!!
I think you are right Amy. I'd like to think our lost loved ones continue to communicate to us {and what better way than through children}. So tender.
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