Friday, January 29, 2010

funny & happy - happy - happy!

Thought this was hilarious . . .

Wait ----- where are my 2010 chonies in this picture?!

*  *  *  *  *  *
And this sister of mine who [big huge huff] looks younger than me:

She's running the 1/2 marathon [kindof with me - same course] tomorrow!!

awesome.  happy. happy. happy.

The next one [the big one] - we run together!  A "biological sister-hood" run!

Now, if we could just get mom and dad to call in "sick" to work at the temple... hmmmmmmmm

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Terms of Endearment

So I had almost finished writing a post about stress.  Where, in part, I mostly asked [ok, begged] you all [I use that term loosely] about how to DE-stress.

As I don't have time for one of these:

Would have to clean my bathtub to use some of these:

Can't run [which is pretty much the only way I know how to de-stress] today because in two days, I'm running another one of these [stupid human races]:

And I'm almost that desperate .... that I was about to try whatever it is she is doing:
She just looks peacefully weird, doesn't she?!?

But then MY Mom text saying "how's your knee?"
Then I think I went into full panic attack mode or maybe I passed out, I don't remember.  I just remember awakening to another text that read, "I have more prednisone". 

[picture the heaven's opening and harps being played]

She had me at, "hello" -- "I have"

It oddly reminded me of Shirley MacLaine line, in Terms of Endearment, "my daughter is in pain .... give my daughter the shot!" [okay, fully realize that was random].

* * * * * *

I'd still love any comments on how to de-stress.  As I'm quite sure, I'll end up divored if I run a step between February and June.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

butt crack of dawn

this is a portion [of the phrase] the Pita says to me 3 days a week.  [I'm choosing not to tell you exactly how he uses it.]

I love dawn.  sunrises even over sunsets, for me.  and I am a sunset - f r e a k .  Or I may just be a freak --- hmmmm --- I'll think on that later.

Life & my day just seems more real, raw, spiritual [in the thinking sense], better organized & [gasp]  c a l m - when I wake up at the butt crack of dawn.

And as an added bonus the butt crack of dawn fairy brought me rain as well!

Just wish she'd bring me photography lessons - next time.  awesome new fancy camera.  not-so-sweet photographer.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

No, we're never gonna survive unless . .

 . . . We are a little

. . . c r a z y .

[or a lot]

Ya, um so I signed up for another marathon.  It's on Saturday.  Yes, this Saturday.  Yes, Mom, that's 3 marathons in two months and pretty please don't tell Dr. Rada. 

BUT . .

If I can run fast enough.  I can get guaranteed entry into NYC.  Which is like the best gift - - e v e r .  And like the little engine that could . .  I just really "think I can".  I very well, may fail, but heck, at least I gave it a shot, right?

And seriously, if I can have this much fun doing it [mile 25.4 from December marathon; Tucson]:

Why not?

Monday, January 25, 2010

My Dad - Happy 71st!

MY Dad - okay so he might have other children but he'll always be [just] MY Dad [to me].

I love the story my Mom wrote in my baby book [cliffnotes version]:

Gordon just took Emily out to look at the stars [age 3-3.5].  Emily said she could touch them.  To which Gordon replied, "Well I don't think so - they are pretty far away".  Emily sat there for a few seconds then looked at Gordon and very matter of factly said, "I'll just stand on your shoulders then."

I still feel the same way today.  I can do anything with the love, care, support of MY Dad.

Just a few of my fondest memories:
  • Playing scissors on FHE night
  • Going for run/walks at night
  • Father's blessings
  • Father's interviews [ok-they may have not been my favorite then but .... ]
  • Him ordering his grrr, grrr, greeeeeen burro at Los Compadres
  • swimming with us in his sweet black framed glasses
  • fire pit marshmallow cooking on Turkey Day Eve
  • watching crocodile Dundee like every 3rd day
  • watching sports with him
  • when he brought home the stretching machine from work one day because he "touched his toes" after using it once.  Never used it again.
  • yelling for me at volleyball games
  • twig races in Logan
  • telling me, "don't be sa critical"
  • him telling me I hadn't broken my arm on the trampoline when I really had. [one BIG point for me!]
  • the "where's Emily" game.  awesome.
  • yard work
  • hearing his friends call him "twinkle toes"
  • Not going camping. ;)
  • always coming home right at 5pm.  If it got to be 5:05pm - I'd start praying instantly, as I knew this must mean he was in a car accident.
  • My wedding day - walking me down the aisle.  I'm lucky.  I was married twice. ;)
  • having a dad that'd make a fool of himself in front of my friends.  I'd ASK him too.  Please do the band majorette thing dad - please, please, pleeease!
I adore MY Dad.

Friday, January 22, 2010

in this little brain

My random thoughts of the day.

  • I really want to know who left these:

  • I want to know why [more often than not] the camera catches me looking confused.

  •  a n d  - possibly why the camera also catches other people looking at me like I'm confusing them too!
  • wondering how rain water got in my sliding door in my office.   The door currently does not open [thanks to our little burglars].
  • if installing rain gutters is worth it for the two days it rains here.
  • if my bro & sisters are having as hard of a time finding dad a b-day gift as me.
  • if my dad is going to send me an Obama hater email today.  My day feels odd without it.
  • if one day I should spend a night without the Pita or Peanut.  odd thing is I don't really want to.
  • if I'll ever find a real [old school] typewriter for Peanut.
  • if my neighbor can hear me sing in my office.
  • if Shauna is close to having her baby.
  • that I can't believe I'm being released from being Primary sec.
  • if Peanut will like it that I'll now be with her at achievement days.
  • is it going to rain more or can I go get my car washed?
  • umm ya, I should probably go get Chuy from the front yard.
what?  It only took me 15 minutes to write this.  he's a dog.  he's fine.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

got your back

guilty.  I've always been a Sandra Bullock fan.  But after Sunday's Golden Globes - - - even more so.

She said something that struck a cord with me:

"Family isn't just who you're born to, related to or what color you are.  It's who's got your back." 

Who's got your back?  Who's got your back?  Who's got your back? 

I loved this.  simple.  straight forward.  true.

She didn't add:
  • when convenient
  • when you have a moment
  • as long as you see things eye to eye
  • as long as they are nice
  • as long as they appreciate it
  • as long as they acknowledge it
  • as long as they are doing what's right
  • as long as they do the same for you tomorrow [or ever]

That thought kept going through my mind, for two reasons.

1.  I realized how lucky blessed I am to have so many people in my life who I know  with certainty .. have "my back".
2.  I realized how much I want to be the girl people know has their back.

I'm sure there are other greater compliments to strive for in life but this is the one I'll be working on [for now].

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

the best

Rock N' Roll 2010
AKA - The Sojourner Run & The "sisterhood" Run

Going strong. : )

Ewok [peanut] appears!

Not sure who to thank for the awesome heart decor on my lawn but - thank you!!  fabulous.  The new running glasses - from the Pita.  Flowers?  Tiff & Happy.  My new favorite photo in the whole world?  Taken by Auntie B.  Awesome experience.  Bring on NYC!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

My [photo] reply . . .

How was the marathon?

In one photo or less?

It was this happy.

More photos [ & words ] to come.
*Yes, that is a rare/hard to find candy [prize/medal/award] lei.  awesome.*

Saturday, January 16, 2010

A saturday post?! Just for E-von.

Happy Birthday to MY Sister!

Well - you already know a few things about here from this post.  But there is so much [much] more. 


  • She is honestly one of the very busiest people I know but yet I know without a doubt if I needed anything --- she'd be there for me --- every time.  She always has been.
  • She is the one who ummmm came to my non-judgmental aid when I may or may not have had a party at my parent's place when they were on a vacation.
  • I love remembering the days of going to IHOP with her on Saturday mornings [Jeff was working] for the 3-egg omelet. yum.
  • I love that she & Jeff would let me crash their newlywed pad with frequent sleepovers.
  • I love her children.
  • I love her sense of humor.
  • I wish she lived closer.
  • I love that whenever I see her she gives me a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
  • I love that she reads my blog.
  • I love that one day she will get a phone that allows her to comment on my blog. ;)
  • I love that this angel sister I have ... may have actually been [ever so slightly] a little rebel growing up.
  • I love that she married Jeff.  I was "pulling" for him the whole time.
  • I love that she puts up with me & my "uniqueness".
  • I love remembering the nigh when "crank caller" called.  How was I to know it was "Frank Caldwell"?!  It was soooo worth freaking out about.
  • I love the 3 days you worked at TCBY.
  • I loved that you always asked for the same birthday dinner as me.  More potatoes please!
  • I love that she called me on my birthday.

  • I love that she tried on these [seen above] at Christmas - even though I didn't love the comment from her hubby. ;) [please note she is "holding-on" for dear life on the chair & Ang's hand beside her.  Classic Eliason moment here.
  • I love that she is an awesome Mom.
  • I love the rules she has for her children.  strict but look at how they are turning out.  amazing.
  • I love how sensitive she is.
  • I love her incredible better than blue eyes.
  • I love playing Taboo with her.
  • I wish I saw her more.
  • I love MY sister.
Happy Birthday!!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Uhhh huhhhh whhhhaaa ?!?!?

When I returned home from taking Peanut to school, the Pita called asking me to look for something he [thought he] left in my car.

No, the "something" wasn't there but this was:

AS any good Mom would . . . I opened it immediately.

The "don't scream" kinda freaked me out until I saw what laid below . .

Uhhhhh huhhhh whhhaaa ?

I'm quite sure she meant the year to be "2031".  I love this kid.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

The marathon of life

[not literally.  no worries]

3 days until my 3rd marathon.  love it.  even with my new injury [huff] and chipmunk cheeks [huge huff] from prednisone.  can't wait. I am slightly looking forward to 6 weeks off though too.  [sorry in advance for the possibly bad analogy to follow but I've been meaning to write this since the marathon in Tucson 5 weeks ago].

There is something completely awesome about the marathon.  Forgive me, I had a good 3-4 hours to think about thisThe "marathon" is so much like life. [This may get thick - I'm the girl who truly thinks each Disney movie in some way or form can be spiritual and has a lesson we can all use in day to day life.]

Running:  We hear the gun.  we are excited.  we want to be here. we have a goal.
Life: We all so badly wanted this chance to come to earth.  to prove ourselves worthy to return to live with Him.  we signed up for this chance.  we have a goal.

Running:  We see hills that look defeating.
Life:  We have trials [really hard ones and daily ones]

Running:  we are given things to help us [water/sports drinks/energy packets-Gu]
Life:  we are given tools [prayer/scriptures]

Running:  we hear cheering.  we see posters.  encouragement.
Life:  we have family support.  church leaders.  friends.

Running:  we have aid stations to fix what ails us.  ibuprofen.  band-aids.  wraps.
Life:  we have forgiveness.  repentance.  another chance to get back on course.

Running:  we cheer for each other.  realizing we have a common goal.
Life:  we cheer for each other.  realizing we have a common goal.

Running:  seeing those we love with all our hearts, at the finish line bring tears to our eyes.
Life:  the thought of seeing love ones lost, in this life - is reason enough for me to do even better each day.

Running:  to be wrapped in the foil blanket knowing you just achieved something great.  awesome.
Life:  to be wrapped in my Heavenly Fathers arms - - to know I've achieved the greatest goal/gift I could ever hope to.  amazing.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Ooooops I did it again

My "stupid acts" for today [so far]:

  • giving the basha's clerk $40 when she needed $80. ummmm, she actually told me two times, "it's $74.22".
  • It's really sad because I fully knew the gift card I purchased was $50.
  • tripping in my doctor's office. so I may have banged the wall - but I stayed up!
  • getting lost in Mesa [how long have I lived in AZ?!]
  • getting my heel stuck in my car floor mat while on the freeway and wasn't able to stop [for like a whole 3 seconds but f r e a k e d me out!]
  • walking around fresh & easy for 15 minutes then having a lady tell me I had "something silky" coming out of my skirt. got to love ill-fitting "g's".
  • google-ing "prednisone side-effects"
  • using bleach to do a 5 minute clean my of bathroom
  • splashing bleach on my favorite [not-so cheap] jeans
  • not realizing that when I set down the bleach container on our kitchen island it left a little drippage
  • folding the laundry on the island
  • the Pita's shirt now having a sweet white dot look to it
  • it now looks way sweeter than it did here:

Now - -if I could just get him hold his hand across his stomach just as it is in this photo [each time he wears it] - we'd be fine.

  • good news - I only left [or possibly forgot] our dog Chuy outside for 45 minutes during the whole bleach ordeal.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

friendship take-a-way

I’m a compartment girl. Pretty sure I always have been. It’s not that I’m all that organized either. I just like that specific things have specific places for them. The sunglass place in my car - love it. The loose coin holder - fabulous. It’s the little things with me. . . . most of the time.

Last night in speaking [okay, texting] with a girlfriend she says, “It’ll be nice to meet your other friends and [gasp] even some of your family.” All of the sudden I felt nervous. Maybe even anxious about this “meeting”. odd. After a few minutes, I think I’ve figured out why.

[bear with me]

I love getting food “take-a-way” style. When you get things “to-go” you know your sticky rice will be in one container and your sugar encrusted orange chicken will be in another. In ordering a salad [even at McD's] to go, the dressing will always be in it’s own nesting area. Brilliant.

Now there are a few places that get it right even when dining “in”. KFC, for example. The divided place. Awesome. One of the best inventions to date. Being able to eat heavily souped up gravied mashed potatoes with out the thought of cross-contamination into the mac-n-cheese . . . Pure bliss.

Heck they even get it right at public schools. No runny, soggy veggies migrate over into the beef [?] pasta layered thing. Incredible.

So - this is me and my albeit lame dilemma.

I like my different [groups] of friends. I like them in their own part of my divided plate. I’m worried that inner mingling of the groups would take away the unique flavor of each of them.

For the most part, I like to see my “work” / shopping friends only when I’m “working”. Seeing them in my doctor’s office or at the gym is odd.

The “inner circle” friends. Like my FAV 5 of friends. My backbone friends. Always building me up. Never threaten. Never feel the need to “one up” or intimidate. Lifelong friends. I’m most protective of this group. I keep this group separated like the bank notes in monopoly.

Email / social media friends. People I “know” only through email. {It’s not as bizarre as it sounds when you run an Internet based business.} Amazing how much you can get to “know” a person without having seen them or heard their voice.

My “boy”-like friends. These are my friends that are completely LOW-maintenance. The friends you can go 6 months without talking to and feel like it was yesterday. No drama here. The trick is to not have these friends mix with the “others” so they don’t know they really can forget your birthday and you truly won’t be mad.

Church friends - I like to see them at church. In a church setting. To see them at the gym when I’m in a bra top and little running shorts. Creeps me out. On the flip side. Seeing gym friends when I am properly dressed is weird too.

My social friends [mostly those whom I’ve gotten to know through the Pita’s work; spouses of employees or employees] . . . I don’t like them to know any of the above mentioned friends. They are typically a little “louder” than my friend "norm" and I worry they’ll be misunderstood by my “calmer” possibly more so called "grown-up" friends. But that's why I love them - they are a little loud and a lot of fun.

The "neighbor" friend is the one who gets to be nosey and see almost all of these different groups [in their given expensive or barely running cars] turn up to your home. These are the friends who think I have issues. ;) They are more comfortable seeing me in my "mom" role than my hosting a tri-nations rugby get together - [I "do it for the Pita"] / wife role.

Is this odd? Normal? Do you ever feel this way?

Are these groups meant to be mixed up like a casserole? I hate casseroles.

Monday, January 11, 2010

the Sunday post

No - my Sunday looked nothing like the "A Sunday on La Grande Jatte" it was really great though[and I love that my mom taught my class about this painting like 82 years ago, when I was 12].

  • I got to have a little visit with my Dad
  • I did my nails with Peanut
  • I got to sleep in
  • We had ribs [super yum]
  • I got my homemade carrot [raisin free] birthday cake
  • When Peanut & I got home from church we [awesomely] noticed a bathroom counter & sink in her bathroom [after 15 months!]
  • There was a huge display of *^$%@# all over her sweet new bathroom
  • Peanut managed to draw 8 photos from 3-5pm which are now taped on to her door
  • We call Sunday's "Peanut Paper Day's" - she goes through at least 20 pieces each Sunday do to the [more closely] monitored TV viewing. [or maybe, in all honesty, she just doesn't get control of the remote on "sports Sunday's?!]
  • Peanut made her list of short term/long term goals [on door as well] --- I may need to discuss what "short" & "long" mean when referring to goals
  • I got to go to Relief Society
  • It was Ward conference
  • Did I mention I got to go to Relief Society [never thought I'd use the words "got to", when referring to RS.]
  • Stake President gave a talk that I swear was written just for me.
  • Started the B of M - [again, [huff] - we shall make it through this time!!]
  • Found out we are going to Dubai for Christmas this year - is it ok I'm a little uneasy?!
  • Found out my Mom-In-law thought I had won the little practice marathon I ran in December. why do I feel like I've let her down?! ;) j/k - I'm completely happy with it [effort/time]- but it was very funny.
  • I was reminded that it's crucial to reach out / love others - in what ever way I can
  • Charity is a simple yet very complex word

and for my Peanut:

  • Sunday morning mello roasting with Nana & Papa just may be the very best way to start off a Sunday - - b r e a k f a s t !

Friday, January 8, 2010

queen of cakes

last night.

I may have said a sarcastic remark while watching the show "Ace of Cakes" for a whole 30 seconds [during commercial breaks from the BCS game]. I may have said something like, "hmmm, I don't remember being sung to [yet] for my birthday & interesting, I don't remember getting even a slice of cake." [even though I do have a promise of a frozen slice for Ang [yum] and did get a cookie with ice cream at lunch yesterday with mom & dad]. was I being slightly ungrateful?! The room went silent. "This weekend right, Pita? You're making my homemade carrot cake without raisins this weekend, right?" [silence]

whatever. off to the shower, I went [or went loudly?!].

I came out to the kitchen to find this:

Peanut making [and sampling] a cake. for me. [this may be a good place to add - she's never done this before. ever [not even with me, (huff)]

there were a couple of noises that were questionable. also a "ahhh man" that worried me a bit. but I stayed sitting. [mostly because I didn't want to see the mess but also because she said if I got up to check she'd "stop". threats? seriously? so thanks for the photos Pita.

Came out of the oven - looking & smelling - a m a z i n g [even though no timer was "set"] ..... "Mom, don't worry. it says just to check it with a toothpick when I think it's ready."
The one thing, I was allowed to do was tip it out of the pan. which resulted in this:

which brought out the Pita's favorite "Tommy Boy" line . . "what'd you dooooo Richard?". nice.

Me: Uhhh peanut did you spray the pan?
Peanut: d a n g it.
Me: get a fork!

awesome. crazy good. 100% thoughtful. beyond totally edible. fabulous "magical cake". the best birthday cake yet.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Name that caller

[Must start off by saying - I sooooooooooooo want one of these phones (again). I miss the days of forgetting what number I was on & having to start "all-over" again. Technology sucks. Sorry Matt.]

There's this little game the Pita and I play when ever my phone rings. [Granted it doesn't ring much - - as 75% of the time, I prefer texting but that doesn't mean the people who call me do! ]

So it goes like this:

ring - ring
Me: "what do you want? why aren't you texting?" - - [I mean, in my sultry voice],"hello"
Pita: [listens]
Me: [yadda, yadda, yadda]
5-8 seconds pass
Pita: [mouthing the word] "Shar"
Me: [golfing clap - head nod]
another point for the Pita.

Which cracks me up. I don't ever say their name. Never a reference to family or specific objects/times/places [not for the 1st 10 seconds - it's a rule]. and he's right - like 99% of the time. I always ask "how?", he says I "talk differently to different people". Unfortunately, for me, after my birthday came and went, I realized he's right. And unfortunately, for him, he's not all that smart, I just have like 6 different styles of talk. No, I'm not schizophrenic just love to try listen to each of the different voices in my head.

For example, there's the:

Nordstrom employee voice: every word MUST be said twice as fast as normal. must include at least 2 "awwweee's" every 2 minutes / "seriously" - every 20 seconds. / "OMGosh - yes - all of them, please" at least 3 times before hang-up. Must hang up by saying, "yea! thankyousoooomuchOKAYbye". Yes, you must say it fast it is one word.

Judi/Ashley: easy. When you never "talk", "live" to these people the first sentence is: "are you okay?" [unless they are in crazy need of something - they text].

Dad: easy. Starts off, "Hi!!", "Yea - she's good."

church: "oh that was tonight??" [sound confused] / [muffled, "crap"]

Those whom I strategically avoid: [click] "that's weird, no one's there!!?!"

The Pita's Mum: [high pitched] "Hey! How are ... yea, we are goo ... oh you first .." hate the flippin international call delay.

Ellie's little boy/friends who torment me: [try and sound mad] "ya, odd. Can't find her. call in 7 years."

Kim: "hellllllllllooooo, ummmm, you know you can text me, right?" heheheee

Mom: [sincere] "nice to hear your voice too!"

Cass: [laid back] / "hey lady, how the heck are ya?"

Neiman Marcus: "good to know. now, call me when you really have a sale."

Blocked: [scowl] / [silence] / [I refuse to talk unless you talk first.]

Is this normal?

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

* s i s t e r' s *

"We are sisters. We always will be sisters. Our differences may never go away, but neither, for me, will our song. " - Elizabeth Fishel

And it'd be a wicked song. The song would probably be in spanish for Shar [jajaja]; Any song for Ann [peace keeper]; Evie [anything rock]; Ang [can I even write it? ...] Barry Manilow; Me - some messed up mix of Jay-z/alicia keys/eminem/enrique/rascal flatts.

But for now - - I'm creating a "day".

I would love to see the start of a national day called "sister's day". I vow I would be the first one there when my neighborhood hallmark opened that day. I'd for sure buy 4 cards but most likely 6 and possibly even 16.

I would open Shar's card and write:

Shar. My OLDEST ;) sister. Thank you. Thank you for being there for me [especially in the last couple of years]. Thank you for letting me spend the night at your place when I was 11. Thank you for always being "Happy". Even though I was 8 when you got married [left our home] - I am grateful for the early memories I have of you. Driving around in the "riv" with the cell phone [no one had one then]. Bringing you and your MANY boyfriends refreshments in the back yard. Letting me watch you take an hour to do your hair just like farrah. And - what would I have done with out the "Pointer Sisters", "Abba", and "Chicago" all the way to Utah? Thank you for loving my daughter like she was your very own. I love the fire in you. You are hilarious. Shar, I love you. Love, Emz [and thanks for the nickname] your youngest sis.

Ann. Thank you. Thank you for being the listener you are. I know that when I call/talk to you I am the most important thing to you right then. Thank you.
Thank you for not getting mad at me when I stole your tithing money at age 8 [I'm hoping that was pre-baptism?!]. Thank you for waking up with me so mom could sleep when I was a baby. Thank you for singing to me. Thank you for coming home from college when you did NOT have the money to to be with the sister only YOU could comfort while mom & dad were away. Thank you for always supporting me in every way. Thank you for helping me wite my school papers. Thank you for the notes you send/give me. I keep all of them. You are amazing. Love, Em

Evie. My sister I remember growing up with the most. Thank you for letting me wear your new penny loafers to school [even on days you said "no"]. Thank you for wearing Dad's clothes - so I could wear your clothes. Thank you for letting me sleep on your pull-out bed when I'm sure you really didn't want me there. You always made me feel loved. Thank you for always checking on me when the buzzer would go off and Mom would have canned out on the couch. Thank you for always telling me you loved me. I remember you telling me this. Thank you for making me the sweetest in my class with my knowledge of Duran Duran. Thank you for showing me how awesome it is for a girl to be great at sports. Thank you for being so spiritual. Thank you for letting me ride on your coat-tails [to heaven please]. I adore you. Love, Em

Ang. My newest sister. Thank you for having dark hair. Ellie is more cozy in our family due to you. ;) Thank you for the email you sent [months ago] about Ellie. It's saved in my "special emails" folder. It's a treasure to me. Thank you for commenting on my blog.

Thank you for your sense of humor. Thank you for making my brother happy. As you may know, I think he's pretty great. Thank you for your attention to the little things. Notes. Licorice on Mother's day. Especially on a really hard mother's day. and this? seriously awesome. Little things are BIG with me. And I love you BIG time. Freeze this card. Love, Me

I would hand deliver these to them on "Sister's Day". At lunch. All together. Without kids. Just "us" Sisters. Celebrating "us".

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

totally awesome

So while being sick yesterday [and still today - yuck]. I had the chance to write a blog I had been meaning to for weeks.

However, I woke up to a text from MY Bro which said, "Happy Birthday! Dropped something off at your doorstep. Have a good day. LV, Mike & Ang". Awesome. I was super excited but waited about an hour until my nose would allow me to breath to make the huge trek to the door.

When I got there I found this:

Awesome. Thoughtful. Meaningful. Quite possibly, the best gift - ever. Ummm, yes, she did give me more than one Bordeaux - but I'm not telling how many.

Then an adorable card from my Peanut. the cutest ever.
Then opening my email account brought loads of fun!! An early morning, "Happy Birthday" from Cass and a promise of a phone call later! ;) Then, an email from dear young Mom. With a reference to sunsets [my fav] and that I'm her favorite [I may or may not have made up that part]. Followed by an email from Dad about how dogs must be democrats. hilarious. Then the Pita said he was staying home today. Sweet. Love it. Then a text from Ashley, "Happy Birthday Girlfriend". Then a text from Judi, "Happy Birthday Grandma!".
Next an email from Ann. saying , "can I bring you a Mojo's yogurt?". Ya, like in her "spare time"- HA! what a sister. Even included she's going to make it to the marathon to watch!! Oh & yesterday an email from my cousin Kijuana - loved that! Then an text from Kim asking if I had lunch plans and if she could bring me something. Am I a lucky girl or what? She then informed me she'd be dropping something by. ["something" was "a lot of things" actually . . an amazing floral arrangement, lotions & a bracelet - how fabulous is that?! Thanks Kim.] Now, just in ... an email from Shar. fabulous.
Then, I got this:
for years, i have thought of you on january 5th. i don't know if it's your actual birthdate, but i'm pretty sure it's within a day or two of that date. so happy birthday my new-found friend!

another memory that i can't seem to shake is the Sunday that you entered the sunbeams. since your birthday was that first week of January, you were separated (or ripped- as it seemed) from the friends you knew. you were devastated and couldn't figure out why all your other friends got to be one class and you were in another. there were lots of tears. i was even crying for you. it must have been quite a scene because i have such a vivid recall of that day. do you remember it?

anyway, i hope you're feeling better. i have really enjoyed getting to you know as a grown woman (do you consider yourself a grown woman? that sounds weird to say!). i hope you have a wonderful year, full of ups and ups!

A few hours later, an email from my long lost best friend Shauna. excellent.
Then quite possibly the piece de resistance the email from MY Dad: with the subject line, "To my youngest daughter". Sorry too personal to share. awesome.
An email from Auntie Becky. she always remembers. And a "Happy B-day you ol fart", from Morgan. Now, a phone call [gasp - people still do this??!] from Evie. quite possibly the busiest sister I have. Means everything. This is the best birthday ever - sick or not. Don't think I have ever felt more loved in all my "??" years.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Today in history . . .

. . . . .

Sir Isaac Newton was born.
Sputnik reenters the atmosphere and burns up.
I sleep in until 8:30.
Two Libyan jets are shot down by US aircraft in the Mediterranean.
Nixon refuses to hand over tapes subpoenaed by Watergate committee.
Lyndon Johnson makes "Great Society" State of the Union Address.
Louis Braille was born.
My home smells like VICKS - yuck.
Chinese and North Korean troops capture Seoul, Korea.
Lenin's "Political Testament" calls for removal of Stalin.
My temp is 100.8.
Britain grants independence to Burma.
1885 an appendix is successfully removed for the first time in Iowa.
Utah is admitted as 45th US state.
Marathon in 13 days....worried? Nope. Insanely frustrated that I am sick? YES!

Friday, January 1, 2010

What could be better?

Things I love:
  • clean sheets
  • fresh cut grass
  • a good 6 hours of sleep
  • that the laker's lost to the Suns
  • Denny's pancakes at 12:21am on New Years Day
  • friends who make me laugh
  • a Dad who calls to tell me he loved my blog post that day
  • the smell of coffee
  • a family party where everyone is happy.
  • nieces/nephews who text me
  • being so close to my mom
  • new shoes [any]
  • cards [especially from the Pita]
  • my back scratched
  • Peanut's notes she leaves me daily
  • when the tooth fairy makes it to Nana/Papa's for the "special molar"
  • when my VT's leave a New Years plant for me to grow [kill] in the coming year
  • birthday coupons - eating for "free" for a week.
  • a hairdresser who is equally as fabulous at being a therapist
  • seeing Joel McHale live - hilarious
  • this photo:

Happy New Year!