And it'd be a wicked song. The song would probably be in spanish for Shar [jajaja]; Any song for Ann [peace keeper]; Evie [anything rock]; Ang [can I even write it? ...] Barry Manilow; Me - some messed up mix of Jay-z/alicia keys/eminem/enrique/rascal flatts.
But for now - - I'm creating a "day".
I would love to see the start of a national day called "sister's day". I vow I would be the first one there when my neighborhood hallmark opened that day. I'd for sure buy 4 cards but most likely 6 and possibly even 16.
I would open Shar's card and write:
Shar. My OLDEST ;) sister. Thank you. Thank you for being there for me [especially in the last couple of years]. Thank you for letting me spend the night at your place when I was 11. Thank you for always being "Happy". Even though I was 8 when you got married [left our home] - I am grateful for the early memories I have of you. Driving around in the "riv" with the cell phone [no one had one then]. Bringing you and your MANY boyfriends refreshments in the back yard. Letting me watch you take an hour to do your hair just like farrah. And - what would I have done with out the "Pointer Sisters", "Abba", and "Chicago" all the way to Utah? Thank you for loving my daughter like she was your very own. I love the fire in you. You are hilarious. Shar, I love you. Love, Emz [and thanks for the nickname] your youngest sis.
Ann. Thank you. Thank you for being the listener you are. I know that when I call/talk to you I am the most important thing to you right then. Thank you.
Thank you for not getting mad at me when I stole your tithing money at age 8 [I'm hoping that was pre-baptism?!]. Thank you for waking up with me so mom could sleep when I was a baby. Thank you for singing to me. Thank you for coming home from college when you did NOT have the money to to be with the sister only YOU could comfort while mom & dad were away. Thank you for always supporting me in every way. Thank you for helping me wite my school papers. Thank you for the notes you send/give me. I keep all of them. You are amazing. Love, Em
Evie. My sister I remember growing up with the most. Thank you for letting me wear your new penny loafers to school [even on days you said "no"]. Thank you for wearing Dad's clothes - so I could wear your clothes. Thank you for letting me sleep on your pull-out bed when I'm sure you really didn't want me there. You always made me feel loved. Thank you for always checking on me when the buzzer would go off and Mom would have canned out on the couch. Thank you for always telling me you loved me. I remember you telling me this. Thank you for making me the sweetest in my class with my knowledge of Duran Duran. Thank you for showing me how awesome it is for a girl to be great at sports. Thank you for being so spiritual. Thank you for letting me ride on your coat-tails [to heaven please]. I adore you. Love, Em
Ang. My newest sister. Thank you for having dark hair. Ellie is more cozy in our family due to you. ;) Thank you for the email you sent [months ago] about Ellie. It's saved in my "special emails" folder. It's a treasure to me. Thank you for commenting on my blog.
Thank you for your sense of humor. Thank you for making my brother happy. As you may know, I think he's pretty great. Thank you for your attention to the little things. Notes. Licorice on Mother's day. Especially on a really hard mother's day. and this? seriously awesome. Little things are BIG with me. And I love you BIG time. Freeze this card. Love, Me
I would hand deliver these to them on "Sister's Day". At lunch. All together. Without kids. Just "us" Sisters. Celebrating "us".
Oh- I really love this post. It speaks to me. loudly. you do have great sisters. sisters are the best. but i think sisters deserve more than a lunch; they need an entire weekend. don't you think?
and, since i visited angela's blog yesterday, i get the "freeze" joke. :)
you're a great sister, emily.
best idea ever. i'll come to your holiday. there is nothing in the world like having a sister. mine are great, too.
yea to my "harward sister's!!". you are so right Amy - a weekend is way more appropriate. I'll take ONE night at this point.
sob!- I miss my sisters!
Thank you for the wonderful words...guess my boys will never know how great they are, but they'll never know what they are missing either!!(sisters that is) I feel blessed and honored to be a part of your family and would run away in a heart beat for a girls night out...or two :). Love you!
This is really beautiful, my dear Emily. Just like you to be so eloquent and loving. Aunt B.
A "sister's day wouldn't be complete without Mom being invited, would it?
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