- [stealing this from MY Brother, I loved it - from our family party] More hugs - less handshakes.
- Strategically avoiding those people I don't like. [hey it's a goal of MINE - judge as you WILL].
- Finishing that last year [of what? Not telling].
- Doing a better job at my ward calling.
- Being there for my family more.
- Taking an active interest in my family's lives - [sisters/bro/nieces/nephews/aunts/uncles].
- Remember each family member's birthday - and call them.
- To surround myself with people who make me a better me.
- To surround myself with people - that when I leave being with them - - I feel better.
- To get at least 2 family members to run a marathon with me.
- To encourage others [especially my friends and family].
- To compete only with myself.
- To "not be sa critical" of others. [Thanks Dad - yes, it is supposed to be "sa"].
- Stand up for me [and my family - as it pertains to them] - without being rude. [What can I say I am a passionate person.]
- To be as good of a friend as Cassandra.
- To be quick to listen and slow to speak.
- To "be there" for family like Happy is.
- To attempt to be as good of a listener as Ann.
- To be a quiet example as Evie is.
- To be as thoughtful as Ang.
- To be as concerned for others as MY Brother is.
- As giving as Dave.
- As thought provoking as Jeff.
- As quiet of a leader as Rob.
- To be as non-judgemental and loving as my parents.
- To be an example to my daughter/Husband.
- To have my priorities in order [better].
- Brand new - It's lights will inspire [this one is just for me to know].
- To strive to make my home where we and others want to be.
- To make Peanut's childhood at least 1/2 as great as mine was.
- To expect less from others and more from myself.
Looking forward to the the "Opportunity" 2010 will bring.